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Terminus Mountain Outfitters
9200 Granby Rd
Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H1


Mountain Caribou


Mountain Caribou

Big Game Animals

We are grateful that our Mountain Caribou population is doing well, as in many parts of the province, numbers have been on the decline.  Due to the topography of our territory, these magnificent animals get to spread out and recuperate. Our guided mountain caribou hunts begin mid September and carry through the beginning of October, taking advantage of the caribou habits, when colder temperatures and pre-rut activity causes them to begin herding up, and changing colors. Mature bulls will have stunning white manes at this time of year and are constantly on the move in search of a harem. These hunts are conducted from remote spike camps 1×1 with horses, wranglers, and wall tents with stoves.

Ultimate Remoteness

Prepare Yourself

Cutting our way into new Caribou country ensures our prospect for great results within the short season. There, in those lonely mountain basins and ridges, we harvest bulls in the 340 to 370 class and do take larger bulls on occasion. Hunting those unpredictable critters always makes for an enjoyable experience. This is a 10-day 1×1 hunt that can be combined with moose and mountain goat.

We only take four hunters per season, and these hunts book up quickly.

Extra days and a second species!

Combo Hunts

Moose & Elk

Moose & Caribou

Moose & Goat

Goat & Caribou


Mountain Caribou

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